Catastrophizing: When the Worst Feels Like it will Last Forever

In our family, when someone begins to dwell on worst-case scenarios, we call it “catastrophizing.” It’s hard not to “catastrophize” our current situation.

A New Normal: Finding Our Way Forward

I have to continually remind myself that we each find our own way forward, but the reminders help me need fewer naps & appreciate the gifts of this time.

God in the Midst

God’s presence is often a fleeting glimpse of something sacred, something beyond ourselves, that draws us into wonder, or helps us pause in the busyness of life.

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To Ponder

To Ponder

In Hebrew, to ponder means to hold tension and transform it. What would our world look like if, instead of responding to everything, we adopted Mary’s approach and pondered more?

Depression = Poison

Depression = Poison

I’m going to go ahead and call depression poison. Thick, slow-moving poison that creeps into my bloodstream and makes everything look so broken and without hope.



We should bring back exorcisms. Who doesn’t need a way to rid themselves of the demons in their lives. Not the red demons of cartoons, but the things that weigh you down & make it hard to move forward?

Eyes on the Prize—Vocation/Schmocation

Eyes on the Prize—Vocation/Schmocation

I know I’m in the right spot. I know I’m supposed to be here. But, that’s all I got. Frankly it feels like a lot. And, most days, I’m okay with going just one step at a time. I’ve worked really hard to be okay with not knowing what the future will bring, with giving up my illusion of control.

Things That Make Sense

Things That Make Sense

In a world that too often knocks me off my feet because I have no control, it helps to have these things that make sense.



I feel like I need mouth to mouth for my faith life. Not my faith beliefs mind you, those I’m all set with, but my faith life. Someone grab those shock paddles or pump my chest until my life starts to beat compassion and justice and action again. 

Seminary: A Strange Place

Seminary: A Strange Place

It doesn’t seem odd in this place because this is a contained place and we are all crazy together, but this is a crazy place. People don’t go around every day, all day, talking about Jesus. 

Those Days

Those Days

I hate these days. I know life is good. I know my life is good. I know great things are all around me. I know I want to be nowhere other than where I am. Yet, I have these days and I hate them.

Escape Fantasies

Escape Fantasies

I find myself staring out the window and wishing I was somewhere else. Somewhere big.

“With the stone rolled away came emptiness . . .” 

“With the stone rolled away came questions . . .” 

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A Needed Word: Facing an Empty Tomb

We can’t go back to where we have been. An empty tomb can be terrifying. But, with the stone rolled away comes light. With the stone rolled away comes a future.

Go Give Some Blood

Go Give Some Blood

It’s a hard thing, finding ways to make a difference, not getting overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. But giving blood is an easy way.