Catastrophizing: When the Worst Feels Like it will Last Forever
In our family, when someone begins to dwell on worst-case scenarios, we call it “catastrophizing.” It’s hard not to “catastrophize” our current situation.
A New Normal: Finding Our Way Forward
I have to continually remind myself that we each find our own way forward, but the reminders help me need fewer naps & appreciate the gifts of this time.
God in the Midst
God’s presence is often a fleeting glimpse of something sacred, something beyond ourselves, that draws us into wonder, or helps us pause in the busyness of life.
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Children in Worship, Worship for Children
How do we engage children in worship, especially in the summer months when there often is no Sunday school?
In Which I Count Spiders to Save My Sanity
Most of the time I kill my own spiders because I’m grown-up like that, but in order to convince Adam of the enormity of our problem, I began keeping track of the number of spiders I was killing …
Conversations with Dog
We all know how much a look can communicate and The Dog has perfected many looks over the past seven months since we brought The Baby home. Also, I think we can safely say that I’ve lost my ever-loving mind.
Cultivating Contemplation
I know he’s too young to learn about stillness & contemplation, but I still hope these moments are formative, if only because his introverted mother is going to need some quiet moments with her son as he grows up.
A Life By Any Other Name
Some refer to motherhood as a spiritual discipline, which is quite lovely & zen. I tend to think of it more as a Sisyphean effort. Perhaps there is another name for this life of mothering in which so little seems to get done.
Motherhood is So Cliché
Parenting is exhausting. It’s harder than I ever anticipated in ways I never anticipated. But every other mother has already realized this.
Why I Read Parenting Books
I, on the other hand, take comfort in reading as much as humanly possible. For me, book knowledge serves as an important counterpoint to the sheer ignorance I feel in the face of this little person.
Ashes to Ashes & The Question of Heaven
I love the beauty of the ashes to ashes, dust to dust liturgy of Ash Wednesday, but this year it reminds me our twin boys … I don’t know if I believe in heaven any more than I did before, but I certainly hope for it more.
On Stinky Socks and Lucky Shirts: How Being a Mother Has Made Me Superstitious
Is it possible that motherhood is slowly chipping away at my rationality? Will I soon find myself wearing particular socks in hopes that my $2 scratch-off lotto ticket will once again yield $20?
Against Puking
Even the little things count when it comes to exercising. Anything is better than nothing. I don’t have to puke to workout. And maybe, when I don’t make myself puke, I’ll look forward to working out a little more.
Carrying the Weight
When we lost our twin boys, I figured the weight I had gained would also be lost. No babies, no baby weight. Anything else would go against my belief in the karmic justice of the universe. The universe failed me.
Hospice Grief
They say it never leaves you, grief. It comes back — sneaking up behind you for a surprise party that leaves you insisting “it’s your party, so you can cry if you want to.”