Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is an opportunity to have someone listen with you for what is deep and real in your life—for the stirrings of grace in the midst of the everyday …
Spiritual direction is a covenant relationship in which one person assists the other in:
- Noticing God’s action in her/his life
- Paying attention to signs of God’s grace in life’s ordinary events
- Responding to God’s invitations to be about the work of love and justice in the world
Spiritual direction is also a time to consciously pay attention to your spiritual life. A central goal of spiritual direction is discernment, the process of sifting through the experiences of life in order to uncover God’s movement.
What to Expect
The director acts as a listening, supportive person who provides space in which the other person can honestly and openly explore her/his life of faith, relationship with God, others, and God’s creation.
Spiritual direction is neither psychotherapy nor counseling, though it may dovetail nicely with work already being done in those settings. All conversations are kept confidential.
How Often?
For How Long?
- Most people come once a month, but the frequency is flexible.
- A session of spiritual direction lasts one hour.
Who Comes to Spiritual Direction?
Individuals come for a variety of reasons:
- Some want to deepen their faith or relationship with God
- Others seek discernment for decision-making
- Others are looking for a time to ground and orient themselves to that which is most important in their lives
What Does it Cost?
I work on a sliding scale. I charge $25-$75 an hour based on what you are able to pay. If this is more than you are able to afford, please contact me and we can work something out. Finances should not prevent you from exploring/having spiritual direction if you are interested.