The Stewardship of Privilege: A Sermon

The Stewardship of Privilege: A Sermon

No matter how hard we have worked for what we have, and some of us have worked very hard, the Bible continually reminds us that all that we have is a gift from God, a gift that could so easily have been someone else’s if we had been born in a different time or in a different place. The question before us is: how will we steward the gifts and privileges we have been given?

Live the Verbs: A Sermon

Live the Verbs: A Sermon

God calls to each of us individually, And God calls us to remove our sandals, to be ourselves, to look and see what we notice. To ask why. To find the verb that is calling to each of us in this time and in this place.

A Question of Faithfulness: A Sermon

A Question of Faithfulness: A Sermon

I don’t know what a life of faithfulness looks like for you in the wake of what happened in Ferguson four years ago, yesterday in Charlottesville and every day to one degree or another. I can’t tell you exactly what God is calling you to do in the face of the fear, hatred, and intolerance that is pouring out of our country’s highest offices and now feel free to parade unmasked in our public squares. But I can guarantee that God is calling you to do something.

A Post-Election Sermon

A Post-Election Sermon

We are a country divided. As a nation, we do not understand one another. Without discounting our potentially vast political differences, how are we called to respond to the cultural divide that has been revealed in this election and to the new political scene in which we find ourselves?

Going Forward: A Sermon

Going Forward: A Sermon

So, keep still. Watch. Wait. And then, Go forward. Know that the way will be a wilderness for longer than you want. But trust the promise and look for God.