Little Moments

Mar 28, 2005

It’s odd to think about spring in March. In New York there is still snow, cold temperatures, and the threat of more snow. But, here in Atlanta it is most definitely spring. The weather is completely bi-polar and it seems to be taking my mood with it for the ride. 

We had these amazingly beautiful days on Friday and Saturday. It was up around 80 degrees and sunny all day. It was too hot for pants. It was perfect for skirts and tank tops and sandals. It was the kind of weather where you get sunburned if you sit outside for just an hour reading (not that that happened to me). Perfect weather in my world. Great for living in, great for running in, great for feeling like I am totally in the right place (even though I fantasize about running away and even though I often wish I was somewhere else). All in all – perfect. 

Yesterday, Easter, it was cold and wet. Really wet. Really cold. Blinding downpour, massive thunderstorms, long pants and two shirts and a coat cold. Tornado watches, flood warnings. A perfect day for hiding under the covers. Not so much a perfect day for feeling the resurrection joy. 

So it goes I suppose. You take the good things when they come and try never to miss them, and then you get through the less desirable times. And you remember that there are always good parts, even if they’re little and can’t make the WHOLE day better. 

It works out, you just have to pay attention and be patient. 



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