Go Give Some Blood

Mar 30, 2005

So, here’s the thing: I think you should give blood. I don’t know who you are, but irregardless, if you are able, I really think you should give blood. 

I gave blood today. It was the first time in over a year that they let me. Usually I have to sit and wait and then answer all those intensely personal questions (like have I ever had sex for money?) and then they prick my finger and send me home. Low iron. But today, today my blood sunk like a rock in the fluid thing they use to test iron. Today I got to give blood. 

So, I sat for an hour (blood drive at school; behind because a forum ran over) and a half. I answered all the personal questions – no, I don’t have sex for money despite the high cost of tuition and the overwhelming number of student loans in my name. I survived the finger prick and I got to sit in the chair. You know the chair. The chair you give blood in. The chair. 

I have to tell you. I hate giving blood. I like the blood – it’s a cool color. I hate the needle. I had the way I feel later that night. I hate the tenderness of the bruise (though the colors can be fun). I hate having to drink so much water. I hate the wait. I just generally dislike it intensely. 

We talk so much about all that needs to be done in this world: all the injustice, poverty, hunger, disease, etc. And what can we do? We as single individuals? We as people with commitments and callings to specific jobs and lives? We as communities trying to survive and already committed? 

It’s a hard thing, finding ways to make a difference, not getting overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. But. This is an easy way. It’s not horribly painful. It won’t take forever. You can keep living your life. You don’t have to give away any of your treasured possessions. It’s easy. Even I, who dislikes it intensely, find it more enjoyable than taking a midterm, so it can’t be all that bad. Especially when there are lives on the line. 

So. If you can – give blood. Go. Find a place. Walk in. Call. Whatever. Go give some blood. Someone was in a car crash today and needs it. Someone needs a blood transfusion to keep living. And someone’s husband, wife, daughter, son, father, or mother is depending on this person being alive. So. Go. Save a life. Give some blood. Please. 



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