There are some prayers I continually return to, this is one of them:
God of unceasing change
hear the gasps of those who are stuck
perpetually adolescent
prematurely resigned
thinking that it will never get any better
or gentler for them.
Whisper . . .
But do get through to them with the saving word
that persons need not stay the way they are.
Hear also the anxious, unspoken fears
of those who are productive
finding satisfaction in their work
pleasure in life
love at home
You in your heaven and all right with their world.
They never step on the sidewalk cracks
they say their prayers
they see their children beautifully, peacefully asleep in bed
and want so much to stop time
this innocence, security, and safety may be preserved forever.
Speak to them the saving word
the strange good news
that persons will not stay the way they are.
The word of faith is the same for us all:
we are always unfinished;
You are not through with us yet.
In the painful and pleasant changes of life
we meet You
and the Christ.
We call Him the Way and mean only the destination;
He is also and especially the journey
the process
the getting there
within amid through
the heart attack, the conversion, the birth, the death
the growing up and growing old and becoming like a child.
Good news to her who is not as lost as she thinks.
Good news to him who is not as saved as he imagines.
Good news to us all.
Way to go
– Frederick Ohler from Better than Nice and Other Uncommon Prayers